Nordic Safeguarding Practices is the outcome of a pre-project funded by Nordic Culture Point (Kulturkontakt Nord) and Norwegian Crafts Institute (Norsk håndverksinstitutt)
The project initiated at a UNESCO course held twice in Norway, in 2015 and 2016. Aim of the course was to capacity build stakeholders of intangible cultural heritage according to UNESCOs 2003 Convention.
The pre-project was executed in the period November 2016 to November 2017.

Backgrund. The project group
Folk Music Institute and folk music orchestra Tallari/Kansanmusiikin ja kansantanssin edistämiskeskus, Kaustinen, Finland
Director mr. Matti Hakamäki
The Finnish Crafts Organization /Taito, Helsinki, Finland
Development manager ms. Kikka Jelisejeff
The Storytelling Network of Kronoberg/Berättarnätet Kronoberg, Ljungby, Sweden(accredited NGO 2016)
Director ms. Meg Nömgård
Norwegian Crafts Institute, Norsk håndverksinstitutt, Lillehammer, Norway (accredited NGO 2010)
Advisor mr. Dag Feldborg
FolkArt Ltd/ÞjóðList, Húsavík, Iceland
Managing director ms. Gudrun Ingimundardottir
The Icelandic Lighthouse Association/ Vitafélagið, Reykjavik, Iceland
Managing director ms. Sigurbjörg Árnadóttir
National Museum /Nunatta Katersugaasivia, Nuuk, Greenland (until July 2017)
Advisor ms. Manumina Jensen

The project group (except Gudrun Ingimundardottir and Manumina Jensen): Sigurbjörg Árnadóttir, Meg Nömgaard, Kikka Jelisejeff, Dag Feldborg and Matti Hakamäki. Photo: Norsk håndverksinstitutt.